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Mobilize Maine is unlike any economic development initiative the State of Maine has ever seen. We believe that economic development is the responsibility of every citizen in Maine, that all of us have a stake in making sure we have a strong economy. As a staffing agency in Maine we know we need to focus on creating more sustainable, higher wage jobs, bring millions of dollars in new capital into this state, and create economic strategies that are driven by regional private sector leaders in collaboration with the public sector. Help us Mobilize Maine. Recruiting agencies in Maine are a great way to find qualified candidates for open positions. Staffing agencies can help businesses with the hiring process by screening and interviewing candidates, as well as conducting background checks. Employment agencies can also provide temporary or contract-based employees to businesses, which can be a cost-effective

We are a diverse and growing coalition of business, civic, and community leaders who are committed to making Maine a great place to live, work, and raise a family. We believe that our state has enormous potential, and we are determined to realize that potential. Our staffing agency and the state of Maine are working together to create jobs, attract investment, and build a strong economy. We invite you to join us in helping to find gold in Maine! Its people! Our business contacts can help you find businesses for sale in Maine from Business Brokers in Maine that you wouldn't otherwise find.

Since our inception, we have been working tirelessly to make Maine a more attractive place to do business. We have helped pass laws that reduce the cost of doing business in Maine, and we are working to make sure that our state is a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship. We are also working to ensure that all Mainers have the opportunity to participate in our economy, and we are committed to creating good jobs that pay living wages.

We know that there is more work to be done, but we are confident that Maine can be a great place to live, work, and raise a family. Join us as we continue to Mobilize Maine. Best SEO in Maine

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